FREE Bathroom Pass for High School Students



Using a bathroom pass for high school students in my science classes was one of the best classroom management techniques I ever implemented! I thought it was silly at first, but I was on a 9th grade team and using bathroom passes was one of the team agreements. It was amazing!


Do any of these phrases sound familiar?

  • “Can’t you wait until after class?”
  • “Is this REALLY an emergency?”
  • “You need to go BEFORE you come to my class.”

Well, you don’t have to be the bathroom police any more!! Just follow these simple instructions and forget your potty problems!

  1. Print these little EDITABLE passes on colored paper – I use a different color for each grading period.
  2. Cut them into strips so that each student gets 3 passes each quarter or trimester, or whatever your grading period happens to be.
  3. When the urge hits, students just fill in the date and time and lay the pass on my desk on their way out of the room. No questions asked!
  4. Here’s the MAGICAL part: At the end of the grading period, each unused pass is worth EXTRA CREDIT! (You decide how much.) Students will guard these little slips of paper all quarter and turn them in with a big smile.


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Happy Teaching!

Carla Brooks

Science Island